



By Dr. Michael E. Starzak

book - the Polish experience   The Polish Experience
By Dr. Michael E. Starzak

Poland in 1991was changing dramatically from a communist to a capitalistic society. My wife and I experienced these changes when we taught at the Wroclaw Polytechnical University and lived in a small village for that year. In this transitional period, we had to face unexpected difficulties like finding housing , repairing a “foreign” car , heating a house or doing laundry. Poles generously helped us survive these challenges. Total Immersion in the Polish language made it possible to accomplish two personal objectives - seek my family’s roots in eastern Poland and adopt Polish children.

Poland was reborn during that year and stood in sharp contrast to our visit to communist Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1972 where we inadvertently toured outside the official tourist agencies.

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Excerpt One:
the perfect tool. Splintered wood would have yielded enough kindling to do the job. However, as I started, I didn't believe I would be collecting kindling all that often. I was soon to learn the sad truth. Even newspaper was something of a problem . In our isolated outpost, there was no newspaper delivery or even a newspaper stand. Any newspapers available were those I had remembered to buy in Wrodaw.  Click Here for More

Excerpt Two:
After Thanksgiving, the weather became much colder and the sunshine dropped dramatically as clouds dominated the Polish sky. The fields were bare and dreary. The only reminder that they had once been alive with sugar beets came when tractors passed the house, pulling carts piled high with those sugar beets . Although they were clearly on their way to some destination where they could be loaded for shipment, those same carts often returned, still loaded with their cargo.   Click Here for More

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